Thursday, December 10, 2009

My water bottle

A few years ago, a friend of mine came to work with this:
OHMYWORD. It was love at first sight.

I used to be a die hard Nalgene fan. Nalgenes were pretty much indestructible, and great for hiking. But I hated the fact that the plastic would hold the taste of other liquids (like Kool-Aid or orange juice). Even more than that, I hated the open mouth bottle. Listen, I am not very graceful, people! I need all the help I can get just trying to walk in high heels (Please awkward moment #56,394-the second half).
My Nalgene bottle had a rather large opening, and when I drank out of it, I consistently (meaning, EVERY SINGLE TIME), spilled water on me. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
The Camelbak water bottle was like an adult sippie cup. It was impossible to spill it (praise Jesus, Joy to the World!) and I loved it dearly. And also, I am pretty much the most hydrated person I know. I drink obscene amounts of water. It's probably not very healthy.

Then, one sad, sad, day, the indestructible water bottle broke. I finally dropped it one too many times, and not only cracked the side, but broke the straw. It was a sad day. I felt like someone had CUT OFF MY ARM. (Addicted much? I think NOT.)

I decided to test my pathetic addiction to this water bottle by purchasing a smaller water bottle at Wal-Mart. I used it for three days, and then donated it to Goodwill. I HATED IT. Not one to give up easily, I found yet another water bottle, this one pink! and stainless steel, at Marshalls. It lasted one week. At this point, I had spent $15 on water bottles.

On Wednesday, I finally went into Dick's Sporting Good and bought a beautiful, red Camelbak.

..............And all was well with the world.

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