Thursday, January 28, 2010


I am taking a class called "Man and Sin" at a local seminary. I am working on my NANC Certification, and I needed to take some theology classes toward my certification. I thought this would be a pretty basic, sin, Christ. The End.


This class was beyond anything I had ever expected.

I almost cried within the first five minutes. As my professor is reviewing the syllabus, I look down to see the criteria for my grade:

- a five page paper due is EVERY WEEK. We are to submit it by Tuesday at noon, and email it every person in the class AND

- do a twenty minute presentation on your research. In front of the class.

- ohmyWORD.

........This week, we were randomly assigned a theologian to study, and to write our paper on their views of creation. I was assigned some obscure theologian, who I have NEVER even heard of, nor do I have ANY IDEA what his views on creation are.

It's gonna be a long week.

This class is three hours long. Three long. arduous. hours. of LECTURE. We begin by discussing creation, in Genesis 1. For three hours, we pick apart the first two verses. TWO VERSES. IN THREE HOURS. I am struggling to follow the Hebrew origins of these words, and my professor's exegesis of Genesis. I look around the class to see if anyone else is struggling as much as I am. Out of six men in my class, one is checking his email, one is on Google, and one is taking notes in Hebrew. HEBREW.

I think I am in the wrong class.

My homework for next week? To read the following:
a Brakel, Christians Reasonable Service, I, 265-284
Bavinck, Our Reasonable Faith, 162-176
Bavinck, In the Beginning, 23-60, or Reformed Dogmatics, II, 406-439,
Berkhof, Systematic Theology, 126-164
Buswell, Systematic Theology, I, 130-162
Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, I, 177-199
Dabney, Systematic Theology, 247-263
Gill, J. Body of Divinity, 256-261
Grudem, pp. 262-314
Hodge, A.A., Outlines of Theology, 237-248
Hodge, C., Systematic Theology, I, 550-574
Hoeksema, Reformed Dogmatics, 169-196
Reymond, pp. 383-395
Shedd, Dogmatic Theology, I, 423-526
Strong, A.H., Systematic Theology, I, 371-410
Thornwell, Collected Writings, I, 206-222.
Turretin, Institutes of Elenctic Theology, I, 431-461
Young, E. J., Studies in Genesis One

In other news.....Because I am scheduled to work this weekend, I am sleeping with my pajamas inside out.

Friday Night: Rain and snow before 1am, then rain and sleet between 1am and 4am, then freezing rain after 4am. . Chance of precipitation is 100%.

Saturday: Freezing rain before 7am, then freezing rain and sleet. High near 32. Chance of precipitation is 90%.

Saturday Night: A slight chance of snow before 1am. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 21. North wind between 5 and 11 mph. Chance of precipitation is 20%.


  1. I could totally hear your "Oh my word"! That is some serious in over your headness. But I bet it will stretch you in some pretty amazing ways and you will come out the better for it! Go Merideth go! You can do it!

  2. Be encouraged!

    That's SOP for the first day of every graduate course I've taken. Once you start in you'll realize that it's hard, but doable.

    Also, if you don't understand an assignment or you're having trouble getting started. GO ASK! Professors love being asked for help, and it'll save you time.

  3. Thank you both for the encouragement! As difficult and headache inducing as my first class was, I am determined to stick it out- if only for pride (LOL)! I was the only girl in the entire class, and for that alone, I want an A!
