Friday, February 11, 2011

I am not Aretha. Or Beyonce. But I have hott shoes.

This weekend, I am attending a Soul Music themed swing dance. I'm not exactly sure what that's going to be like. I am very, very white. I can lindy hop with the best of them but, contrary to popular belief, I am not Beyonce.   So, I am a little nervous about this weekend, as I have absolutely NO IDEA what to expect. But here is my consolation:  I may not be able to rock it out like Aretha, or move my hips like Beyonce, but you can BET I will dress the part of a soul sister!

Not that kind of soul sister. I AM NOT THAT KIND OF GIRL.

I'm talking about SHOES.

My good friend and I went on an expedition last weekend to find the perfect pair of boots for this weekend.  When we walked into a vintage store downtown we found THESE literally (okay. FINE. NOT "literally") screaming my name!

They were perfect. Beautiful. EXACTLY what I wanted. I tried them on in the dressing room with a cute dress I found. They were the perfect pair of boots. I took them off, got dressed and went in search the perfect dress. Clearly, I was having THE BEST LUCK EVER.

My luck was about to change.

I had left my belongings, along with the boots, in the dressing room, as the dresses were only a few feet away from the dressing room. I had my back turned literally (for real this time) for 2 minutes. I turn around AND SOME WOMAN IS WEARING MY BOOTS. OHMYWORD.

I turned to my friend, and I said, "OHMYWORD THAT WOMAN HAS MY BOOTS ON!" Sure enough, she has called her ENTIRE FAMILY over to admire the perfect pair of boots that were on her feet.


I had no idea what to do. I wanted to walk over to her and say, "RUDE. You took my boots out of my dressing room. I had them first. Take them off and give them back or GIRL, I WILL CUT YOU."

But, in reality, I am a weenie. I am the least confrontational person I know. This was not looking good.

Then. I had a stroke of brilliance. It was THE BEST idea I have EVER HAD. I found an employee and told them, "I left my boots in the dressing room! I can't find them anywhere! Do you know if they were put back?"

They graciously went to look for them, while I busied myself with spying on the boot-stealing woman through the dress rack. Sure enough, he found those boots. ON HER FEET. Quite diplomatically, he told her that someone else (ME) was going to purchase those and that she would have to take them off and give them back.


So she did. But not without giving me the stink eye from across the room. But I didn't care, I loved those boots, I found those boots and I BOUGHT THOSE BOOTS. And I will rock them out this weekend.

It was the best $34.95 I have EVER SPENT.

Update: As I was trying on my fantastic pair of boots for my roommate, THE ZIPPER BROKE HALF WAY UP MY LEG. I AM NOT EVEN KIDDING YOU. I now zip my boots up with a safety pin. Don't judge.

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