Friday, February 4, 2011

Your blog is flowery and the people in this library will judge me while I read it.


Ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you that I truly believe awkwardness is a state of mind. If you think things will be awkward, they will be. So I try really hard to go out of my way to make situations that MIGHT have the potential to be awkward, NOT awkward.

Ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you that I attract awkward situations. Ridiculously weird things happen to me ALL THE TIME.  I think it is the Universe's way of keeping me on my toes.


I had what was quite possibly the most awkward situation I have ever had happen to me on Tuesday night. BE PREPARED. IT'S BAD.

This video briefly explains what is known as the arm slide (that is NOT the technical term for it). Pay attention to the first part of the video. The part where your arms get all twisty like. Pay realllllllllly close attention to where the guy's hand are. Or at least where they SHOULD be. (Promise you won't pay attention to ANYTHING ELSE THEY DO. Really. Don't. Swing dancers EVERWHERE will thank you.)

Tuesday night, I was dancing with a lead that was very forceful. He wasn't playfully suggesting or asking that I try a certain move, he was dictating that I do exactly what he was telling me to do. And it was physically painful. He led me into the aforevideoed arm slide, and clearly thought it would be a BRILLIANT IDEA to turn in a circle at the same time.

It wasn't.

What had happened was that, in the process of chanelling Fidel Castro himself, he had rotated his shoulder back, which in rotated MINE. Unbeknowst to me, I have a rotator cuff. And when your rotator cuff is rotated the wrong way, IT IS PAINFUL.

As I am turning in this circle with him, for what seems like forever, I am desperately devising ways to GET OUT. I see an opportunity to spin out of this awkward turn, but my lead is too strong.  Because he had so much force and strength all up in this move, my desperate attemps to STOP THIS MOVE IMMEDIATELY didn't do anything. (Clearly, my survival instincts failed me. This does not bode well for me.)

All my efforts did was move his hand.


(You might want to rewatch that video and think for a minute about exactly WHERE someone's hand might be if they moved it down during such a move as this one.)

Yep. That's EXACTLY what happened. FULL ON BOOB GRABBAGE. So now, not only has my rotator cuff entered the seventh circle of HELL, I am actually praying that the floor would open up and SWALLOW ME ALIVE. THIS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN ON THE DANCE FLOOR.

(I wasn't even flying anywhere!)


Somehow or another, I got out. I survived. And I vowed to never dance with this man again.


Well, probably not awkward for him.

But CRAZY awkward for ME.

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